
  1. L. Casiraghi, M. Gandolfi, "Creazione di Aggregati di Pioggia e Trend Generali sul loro Andamento", Academic Year 2008/2009
  2. S. Ricupero, "Variabilità Interannuale delle Precipitazioni per Applicazioni di Radiopropagazione", Academic Year 2009/2010
  3. R. Dragos, "Analysis of Spatial Characteristics of Rain Cells Using NEXRAD Data for the Assessment of the MultiEXCELL Model Global Applicability", Academic Year 2009/2010
  4. R. D. Rece, "Analysis of the Correlation between Rain Cell Advection and the ECMWF ERA-40 Wind Outputs for Propagation Applications and Rainfall Modeling", Academic Year 2009/2010
  5. S. A. Stoica, "Analysis of the Temporal Evolution of Rain Cells for Propagation Applications", Academic Year 2009/2010
  6. D. Proserpio, "Sviluppo Preliminare di un Modello per la Predizione di Serie Temporali di Precipitazioni a Partire da Corrispondenti Misure Meteorologiche", Academic Year 2009/2010
  7. D. Costa, "Utilizzo dei LED Bianchi per i Sistemi Wireless Indoor a Luce Visibile", Academic Year 2009/2010
  8. E. Bugna, "Confronto fra Modelli per la Predizione dell'Attenuazione Dovuta alla Pioggia su Collegamenti Radio Terrestri", Academic Year 2009/2010
  9. F. Ficarra, "Modello Meteorologico Continentale per Applicazioni di Telecomunicazione ad Alta Frequenza", Academic Year 2009/2010
  10. D. Bestazza, "Analisi di Reti di RADAR Meteorologici", Academic Year 2010/2011
  11. A. Demurtas, "Elaborazione dei Dati NCEP per la Stima dell'Attenuazione da Pioggia in Collegamenti Terra-Satellite ad Alta Frequenza", Academic Year 2010/2011
  12. G. Garavaglia, "Analisi delle Caratteristiche Spaziali delle Celle di Pioggia Ricavate da Dati NEXRAD per la Valutazione dell'Applicabilità Globale del Modello MultiEXCELL", Academic Year 2011/2012
  13. F. Stigliano, "RF Direct Sampling Architecture for GNSS System: Analysis and Implementation", Academic Year 2013/2014
  14. A. Piccolo, "The GOCE Scientific Mission: GPS Receiver Re-entry Phase Analysis", Academic Year 2013/2014
  15. A. Quadri, "Modeling Ice Clouds to Investigate Next Generation Earth-Satellite Communication Systems Operating at Optical Wavelength", Academic Year 2015/2016
  16. R. Tanveer, "Solar Irradiance Attenuation through High Resolution 3D Cloud Field", Academic Year 2015/2016
  17. S. Sala, "Predizione dell’Attenuazione da Pioggia per Futuri Sistemi di Telecomunicazioni Operanti in banda W", Academic Year 2016/2017
  18. D. Albergoni, D. Anghileri, "Investigation of the Impact of Atmospheric Effects on 5G Mobile Systems", Academic Year 2017/2018
  19. A. Panzeri, "Frequency Scaling of Tropospheric Attenuation for Future SatCom Systems Operating at W-band", Academic Year 2017/2018
  20. F. E. A. Espejo, "Photovoltaic Panel Power Generation Based on Meteorological Forecasting Estimation", Academic Year 2017/2018
  21. L. Martino, "On the Use of Weather RADARs to Support Earth-Space Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Experiments", Academic Year 2018/2019
  22. R. A. Giro, "Model to Estimate the Intensity of Precipitation from Tropospheric Attenuation Affecting Ka-band Earth-Space Links", Academic Year 2018/2019
  23. M. Fetescu, "Investigation and Modeling of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation for LEO Satellites in the Equatorial Region", Academic Year 2018/2019
  24. A. Rosiello, "Characterisation and Modelling of Snow Eff ects on EM Waves Propagation for EHF SatCom Systems", Academic Year 2018/2019
  25. S. Sipala, "Modello per la Stima Accurata dell’Attenuazione Atmosferica da Misure Radiometriche in Assenza di Precipitazioni", Academic Year 2019/2020
  26. B. Wioland, "Use of High-Resolution Numerical Weather Predictions for the Design and Operation of Earth-space Links", Academic Year 2019/2020
  27. R. E. Flores, "Use of GNSS-derived data and Meteorological data to support satellite-based radiowave propagation experiments", Academic Year 2019/2020
  28. L. Weinum, "Prediction Model for the Effective Operation of Earth-space Links Using Up-Link Power Control", Academic Year 2019/2020
  29. E. Pelat, "Characterization of the tropospheric attenuation affecting Earth-space links using ERA5 data", Academic Year 2019/2020
  30. D. Toribio, "Investigating the Impact of Rain on D-Band Backhaul Links: Data and Modelling", Academic Year 2020/2021
  31. E. Colombi, "Remote Sensing of the Tropospheric Attenuation Using Ground-based Radiometers: a Mixed Phisically-based/Machine-learning Approach", Academic Year 2020/2021
  32. A. Rodríguez Martin, "Rain Attenuation Prediction for the Effective Operation of SatCom Systems Using Uplink Power Control and Site Diversity Switching", Academic Year 2020/2021
  33. M. Bottani, "Pseudo-Noise Regenerative Ranging System for Deep Space Software Defined Radio Transponders", Academic Year 2020/2021
  34. A. Comisso, "A Space-Time Model of Clouds for the Design of Space Communications at Optical Frequencies", Academic Year 2020/2021
  35. G. Li, "An Analytical Model for the Attenuation and Phase Delay due to Rain in the 6-100 GHz Range", Academic Year 2021/2022
  36. J. D. Maestro Martínez, "Validation and Performance Assessment of the Inclusion of BeiDou-3 in Orbit Determination and Time Synchronization Using GMV’s Station Network", Academic Year 2021/2022
  37. L. Monti, "Global Communications with Large NGSO Satellite Constellations: the impact of the atmosphere", Academic Year 2021/2022
  38. A. Facheris, "The Impact of Rain on Short G-Band Radio Links: Experimental Results and Prediction Models", Academic Year 2021/2022
  39. E. Polo, "Model to investigate the interference induced by NGSO constellations on GSO system ground stations", Academic Year 2021/2022
  40. S. Abboudi, "Relationship between attenuation and phase delay due to rain in the 10-100 GHz frequency range", Academic Year 2021/2022
  41. T. Tunçkol, "Neural Network Based Atmospheric Path Attenuation Estimation from Radiometric Measurements", Academic Year 2021/2022
  42. S. Novellini, "A Simplified Yet Effective Rain Attenuation Time Series Synthesizer for Earth-Space Links", Academic Year 2021/2022
  43. L. Danelli, "GNSS anti-jamming techniques based on Controlled Radiation Pattern Antenna", Academic Year 2021/2022
  44. L. Zangheri, "Rain event identification along Ka-/Q-band Earth-space links: assessment of two procedures", Academic Year 2021/2022
  45. D. Allievi, "Development and test of models to scale rain attenuation from Ka to EHF bands", Academic Year 2021/2022
  46. F. Capelletti, "Rain attenuation frequency scaling models for 6G backhauling links", Academic Year 2021/2022
  47. M. Raspanti, "Modeling the path reduction factor for the prediction of rain attenuation affecting EHF terrestrial links", Academic Year 2021/2022
  48. S. Romeo, "Investigation of rain attenuation affecting links to NGSO satellites", Academic Year 2021/2022
  49. A. Manganiello, "Definition and Testing of a Satellite-to-User Ranging and Communication Signal for a Martian Navigation System", Academic Year 2021/2022
  50. P. Volpe, "Investigating Visibility for the Development of Fog Attenuation Models Affecting FSO Links", Academic Year 2021/2022
  51. A. Fazzoletto, "Time-Transfer and Clock-Synchronization Technique for Lunar Communication and Navigation System based on Microsatellite Constellation", Academic Year 2022/2023
  52. A. Carè, "Analysis of the performance of a GEO GNSS receiver and implementation of a new thrust model", Academic Year 2022/2023
  53. D. Galbiati, "Preliminary evaluation of the effectiveness of Airborne Radio Occultation and Galileo High Accuracy Service", Academic Year 2022/2023
  54. R. Siri, "Rain attenuation multiple-frequency scaling models for EHF bands", Academic Year 2022/2023
  55. R. Benegiamo, "Investigation of Tropospheric Impairments Affecting K-Band Earthspace Links Using a MEO Satellite Constellation", Academic Year 2023/2024
  56. G. Begnis, "Assessment and modelling of an RF/FSO hybrid technology for 6G backhaul links", Academic Year 2023/2024
  57. M. Luciardello Lecardi, "NGSO interference induced on GSO ground station: extension and application of a tool", Academic Year 2023/2024
  58. L. Richard, "Characterisation of ionospheric properties and links to space weather in the context of navigation operations", Academic Year 2023/2024

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