ESA Connectivity and Secure Communications

  • Satellite solutions for seamless in-flight internet

    In today's connected world, staying online even when travelling at 9000 m is becoming increasingly important. ESA is working to advance in-flight connectivity through satellite technology, ensuring internet access in the air is as seamless as it is on the ground.

  • LacunaSat-2B successfully completes mission and deorbits sustainably

    A nanosatellite that supported global connectivity by collecting data from Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices in remote locations, LacunaSat-2B, has successfully completed its three-year mission and deorbited into Earth's atmosphere in late April. During its mission, the satellite demonstrated a commitment to sustainability and provided previously inaccessible data for various sectors, including environmental studies, agriculture and wildlife monitoring.

  • The Eagle-1 mission patch has landed

    The Eagle-1 satellite team has revealed the design of their new mission patch. Originally associated with human spaceflight missions, patches are now released for a broad range of projects and expeditions. Here, we explore the development of an ESA mission patch, from concept to production.

  • New phase for Sunrise partnership

    A contract marking the next phase of ESA’s Sunrise Partnership Project with Eutelsat Group will ensure critical technologies are built for next generation 5G connectivity in Europe expected in 2026.

  • New Director of CSC and Head of ECSAT

    Laurent Jaffart took up duty as Director of Connectivity and Secure Communications (D/CSC) and Head of ECSAT in Harwell, UK, on 15 May 2024.